Friday, February 29, 2008

Everything Here Is FRESH. I Will Do Well, Here

If you ever wanted an illustration of the difference between fresh, home-grown food and what you get at the store, this is it. I understand that the color of the yolk is primarily due to what the chicken eats, but eggs with orange yolks do not show up at the local market. This is the result of free-roaming chickens eating whatever they damn well please... including lots and lots of corn and sunflower seeds from my squirrel feed bag. It's such visible differences between stores and home-grown that makes me want my own farm so terribly, horribly badly.


  1. My aunt used to have chickens when I was a kid, and we would get fresh eggs from her. Most of them had more than one yolk, and they were so delicious!
    I want a farm too. I want a simpler life.
    (Of course, I write this from my office in Providence eating a Zone Bar - the irony)

  2. Ohhhhhoho. Farms ain't simple, sistah-friend. I tried milking a cow once. SOOO not simple. They make it look that way, but it isn't. They lie. I just pissed off the cow.


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