Sunday, March 9, 2008

Upcoming Schtuff

I'm working on a bunch of full reviews, but writing those takes a lot of time, so here's a preview of what's in the meat grinder...

Brewed Awakenings Cafe: Adequate espresso and coffee bring down an otherwise good experience. A very good haunt with a wide selection.

Main Street Cafe: East Greenwich has a few cafes littering its main drag, and Main Street Cafe is the best. A good selection of foods combines with good to very good espresso drinks to make it the place to sip in EG.

Seven Stars Bakery: This is one of Rhode Island's best places to go as a gourmet. Excellent, house-made breads, pastries, sandwiches, and cookies mix with very good espresso and coffee, atmosphere, and location.

Three Sisters Cafe: Good espresso, good selection of ice cream, and good hours make these sisters good company in northern Providence.

Jennifer's Chocolates: A wide selection of very good, hand-made chocolates. I find the dark chocolate better than the milk, but everything is very well made. Jennifer provides excellent competition to the nearby Sweenor's Chocolates. The two stores make Wakefield a chocolate mecca.

Logee's Greenhouse: One of New England's best greenhouses. Logee's has a massive selection, exceptionally healthy plants, a friendly and knowledgeable staff, good prices, and their very own citrus hybrids. Grow your own fruit! I recently bought four citrus plants and a banana tree.


  1. are any of your citrus trees growing inside? I went to logees one time to leave overwhelmed with just one fern. I want a meyer lemon or a lime tree for indoors though...

  2. Hey Uglyagnes,

    Pinkberry forever! And yes, they are all growing inside, for now. I have the banana tree upstairs where it can catch the morning sun and it continues to get bright sun until about 11:30. Then I move it to another window.

    The citrus plants do alright in medium light. They're in a corner bathroom where they get humidity from showers and the windows point south-east and west, so they get decent sun. I'll be moving them onto the rear deck for the summer.


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