Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Queen, a Knave, Some Tarts, and MURDER.

In my review of Cafe Nuovo, I expressed disappointment in their entrees. I did rave about their desserts, though, and after a recent trip, both observations stand. I had hoped to get a baked Alaska, but was much chagrined to find it not currently on the menu. I could have gone with my old standby, crème brûlée. I could have gone with the chocolate mousse that I found so delectable, last time. I could have, but didn't. I opted for the fruit tart, and oh... my... GOD am I glad I did.

This tart was mind-blowing, and there's no other word for it. It's easily the best fruit tart I've ever had. All the fruit was fresh as can be, the fruit jam blend was utterly scrumptious, the vanilla gelato was rich and creamy, and the respberry, strawberry, and mango coulis added both artistic flare and well-matched dipping to each, mouth-watering bite. This was a perfect dessert. I loved each and every bite. No, it didn't have any custard as most fruit tarts do these days, but that's ok. This tart takes the crown for my favorite dessert in Providence from Al Forno's Croque-Mademoiselle. It's just really, freaking good.

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