Monday, August 3, 2009

Survey is Dead. Long Live Survey.

I axed how far you would go for dinner. I was surprised. Then I was surprised I was surprised. If you're reading a blog about food, something tells me you're willing to go a bit farther than the average person for a plate.

An amazing 38% of you said you've gone 75 miles or more for a meal. An additional 33% said you've traveled 50 miles or more. 3% said 25 miles or more. And two of you admitted to fearing distances greater than five miles. I'm glad you were able to talk about that. I think you should be very proud of yourselves.

This next survey will carry us from summer on into fall. In which season do you eat the most? I've found that I eat very little during the summer, and subsequently lose a little weight. I gain it back during the winter, when my daily intake of stuffing increases significantly. So what about you?

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